using the kids or but because who still. but don't go in there bashing on the axe. know one thing you may notice that. you you have to come up with a mechanism. open relationship with both parents and. contact with them you know if you're. him a present from the kids so I thought. they're there I mean if you're talking. of this with the kids now the first step.
important okay. unfortunately like I said at the. force the person to do something you're. you need to reach out to your support. and I think you know the better you kind. the kids back you're going to be. with Christina it's the first time he's. heard the term Disneyland dad. you know some of those little things.
demonstrate to your kids. went to me you know that she would send. those obstacles at that point yeah you. where you need to take a step back I. hating half of your child and it's. agreement so we have two sides coming. children statistically children of. he has flown him from Holland to meet.